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College Advice

College Advice





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College Advice

College Advice


Join this subworld to ask questions, participate in discussions, and attend sessions.

College Advice Series


What, Where, and How: College Edition


What, where and how? These are questions students ask themselves before, during, and after the college application. Luckily, in this series, the College Advice Moderator team will guide you through these uncertainties!

🧩What & Where: Tips and tricks on picking colleges to apply to. We will be talking about what you should look for in a college and what things are green flags. This is for anyone who plans to apply to college.

📈How: Once you've gotten in, how do you prepare for college? Some tips on how to succeed, what to bring (packing list), and how to manage your time. This is for people heading into college this fall!

This series we will be hosting TWO different sessions: What & Where session and How session. Please be sure to join the session that is applicable to you.

Cindy A

15 spots left!

College Advice Sessions


Friday, May 24

  • AMA Research and How to Read a Scientific Article!

12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

We'll go through the steps and questions you can ask yourself while you're reading a primary scientific research paper. We can also go through how to search for a topic through a database if there's time! At the end, we'll have an AMA on your general questions about research!

Sharon V
